
As a first step, this form will allow us to receive the necessary information for your child's enrollment. We will then contact you to confirm the enrollment and provide you with the payment details.

Subscription form

1 | Child

* = Required

Photo of your child

Please attach a JPG, PNG or PDF file.

You can also send it later by email.

2 | Camps selection

* = Required
Camps and duration

Please chose between boarding camp or day camp

See pricing informations

Camps and duration

Please chose between boarding camp or day camp

See pricing informations

Minimum stay of 2 week (except for the Ski Camp "Paris")

Arrivals and Departures every Saturday or Sunday

Duration of camps | Minimum stay of two weeks


Day camps | 5 days / week

Welcoming from 9:00 am to 6 pm. (4:30pm for children 3 to 4 yo)

We do not cater for the day pupils on the week-end.

Click on the options of your choice

One option per week

If you don't select any option, your child will participate in the camp "Sports and Adventures".

Sports informations



3 | Parents

* = Required


About you

The person who is filling this form

The primary email address for correspondence. A copy of the registration will be sent to this address.

The other parent or legal representant

4 | Medical informations

* = Required



5 | General conditions

* = Required

Payment Terms

Your reservation will become effective upon receipt of the duly completed registration form accompanied by a deposit of CHF 1,000 by bank transfer. The balance must be paid 60 days before the child's arrival or by the specified date if this period has passed.


Some nationalities need a visa to enter Switzerland. Please contact Valérie Sabatier ( who will help you through the formalities and answer all your questions.

General notes and conditions

General conditions are accepted even if the application is not signed.

All prices are net and are quoted in Swiss Francs, per child. Each period booked is non-refundable. No deduction in the case of late arrival of the child, absence during the stay or unscheduled departure.

In case of damage inflicted by the child, a replacement charge may be levied. In case of unforseen circumstances we reserve the right to change our programme.

For juridique at Aigle (Switzerland).

As a first step, this form will allow us to receive the necessary information for your child's enrollment.

We will then contact you to confirm the enrollment and provide you with the payment details.

Help and documents

Questions about life at the Préfleuri?

Useful documents and forms.

Check our pricing.

For further questions please don’t hesitate to contact us on:

T +41 (0) 24 495 23 48